The Natural Living Shop, Cedar Farm, Back Lane, Mawdesley, Ormskirk, L40 3SY

Cedar Farm, Ormskirk, L40 3SY

SKU: 212

Cucumber and Aloe Vera Hand Soap – Miniml


Availability: In stock

Infused with cucumber and aloe vera extracts, this naturally derived, gel hand soap eliminates stubborn smells and leaves hands feeling soft and clean, even after multiple washes. What’s not to love?

Gentle on hands and naturally removes all the nasties. 

✔️ Powerful on dirt, grime and stubborn smells.
Leaves hands soft and loved.
Removes all the nasties. 
Eco-Friendly and Readily Biodegradable.
Natural and subtle cucumber and aloe fragrance
Vegan, Cruelty-Free and British Made.
Free from: VOC’s, chlorine bleaches, solvents, lanoline, sulphates, parabens and phosphates
Safe for septic tanks if used as directed.
Effective in both hard and soft water.
Refills collected, cleaned and refilled.
Made in Yorkshire, UK


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